About Us
3D Printing has changed the way in which businesses are done. Most business today have requirements of 3D printing. Whether to create a differentiation in the product/service offering of the business organization or to merely compete and walk along the line of competition. Also It has created a platform high enough to be visible from quite a distance. The most important component of 3D printing is the best quality 3D Printer Filaments. While 3DGalaxy supplies the best 3D Printer filaments – the most important component of 3D printing technique to ensure high quality and best 3D printing jobs.

3DGalaxy is a reputed name in the 3D Printer Filaments industry. We are a definite market leader and have a reputation for providing the best quality 3D printer filaments customized to meet your specific requirements.
Benefits Of Choosing 3DGalaxy For Purchasing 3D Printer Filaments; When you choose 3DGalaxy for supplying the most essential requirement for 3D printing in your organization, you get to benefit the most. You get

Timely Delivery because we believe in fast and efficient delivery.
Economic and competitive rates because we compare the competitive rates and provide the best deals for our customers.
Equipped with almost all the latest 3D Printers, 3D Printing Materials, Scanners, Software's and expertise we can turn your ideas and designs into physical things in as little as a few hours. Most noteworthy 3DGalaxy was setup to help students, designers, makers and hobbyists to get 3D Printing Material, prototypes up and running, and to turn dreams into reality. Our friendly staff is here to assist you with your enquiries and to help solve your 3D problems. Certainly we are consistently working hard in bringing the best and extending our range of products and services.